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A Contract of Christian Unity : Statement of Faith


  1. The Scriptures are inspired by God. 
    The 66 books of the Christian Bible were written by men who were yielded vessels of the Holy Spirit.  God inspired every word and protected the Scriptures from the pollution of human wills and earthly agendas.  It is God’s perfect written revelation of Himself to mankind.  The Holy Bible is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training believers to live righteous lives.

  2. There is only one true God. 
    This singular God exists eternally as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.  He is our Creator, our Provider, our Protector, our Helper, our Master, our King, and our Friend.  He is the only eternal Judge of mankind, and is therefore the one and only authority on morality and life.


  3. Jesus Christ is God. 
    Eternally existent as a functional member of the triune God, the Son—Jesus Christ—became a human being.  He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life (while still befriending sinful people), worked mighty miracles, was killed via crucifixion, laid dead in a tomb for three days, physically rose to life, appeared to some 500 people, and physically ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of Father God.  Today, He continues to intercede for those who believe in Him and works alongside the Church—confirming His word by the signs that accompany it.


  4. Mankind willfully chose to sin against God. 
    While mankind was originally created innately innocent and good in the image of God, the decisions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden forfeited mankind’s authority in the earth, privilege of eternal life, and personal relationship with God.  Thus sin, death, and evil entered the world; and hell—originally established as a destination for rebelling angels—became the default destination of a fallen mankind.


  5. Jesus has provided the only way to reverse the effects of sin. 
    The same way sin, death, and evil entered the world through one man (Adam), the solution was brought through the work of one Man (Jesus Christ).  In love, God the Father sent God the Son to conquer sin and restore mankind to fellowship with Himself.  The benefits of Christ’s work are available to all by grace and are acquired through faith.  Through the death of Jesus on the cross, every living person has the open invitation to consider his or her old life to have died with Christ.  The sinful nature must be considered dead in Christ.  This positions the person to also partner with Christ in His resurrection—being made a new creation, perfect and innocent in the eyes of God.  Furthermore, this opens to the believer the spiritual position of being seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.  Through conquering sin and death, Jesus has received all authority in heaven and on earth, which He shares with those who abide in Him.  Believers now have access to eternal life in heaven, spiritual authority, and a personal relationship with God.


  6. Preaching and demonstrating the Full-Gospel of Christ’s atonement. 
    The blood Jesus shed purchased three things for all of mankind: (1) forgiveness of sin, (2) physical healing, and (3) deliverance from the enemy—all of which are available by grace through faith.  The Greek word for “salvation” implies complete wholeness of body, soul, and spirit.  Thus the message preached is one of Good News for the entire person—physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually.  Jesus paid a very high price for this salvation, and He deserves to receive everything He paid for. The message of salvation is one of complete wholeness.


  7. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
    While it is true that the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of every Christian at conversion, the Book of Acts is clear that there is a secondary experience of empowerment from the Holy Spirit that every believer should desire and seek.  This empowerment is not necessary for salvation, but it is necessary to effectively do the works of Jesus and demonstrate the supernatural power of God.  The purpose of this empowerment is to give Christians enhanced boldness, supernatural ability for ministry, and a form of fellowship with God that cannot be otherwise experienced.


  8. The practice of spiritual gifts.
    Spiritual gifts are listed in various places throughout the New Testament and include such ministries as physical healing, administration, prophecy, discerning spirits, hospitality, tongues, interpretation of tongues, generosity, and others.  In short, they occur when the Holy Spirit enables a Christian to carry out some form of ministry in the power of Jesus Christ.  These spiritual gifts are available to every member of the Church and are distributed according to the will of the Spirit.  Every believer should eagerly desire spiritual gifts—especially since God intends to use every believer in some form of supernatural ministry.


  9. Sanctification is part of the Christian walk. 
    While it is true that Christians are instantly considered perfect in the eyes of God at the moment of conversion, this does not mean that Christians are perfect representatives of God in practice.  Each person must experience a lifelong process of being made holy, which—in essence—is to be made more and more like Jesus through the inner working of the Holy Spirit.


  10. The Return of Jesus Christ. 
    While Jesus presently sits at the right hand of God the Father, He has promised that He will return for His pure and spotless Bride, the Church.  Jesus will come on an unknown day at an unknown hour—a time least expected.  Therefore we must be diligent and alert—awaiting His return and doing all we can to reach everyone we can with the Good News of His salvation.  A final judgment is coming, and only those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ will be saved.




*The following Statement of Faith has been adopted by Wildfire Ministries International for the purpose of clarifying doctrinal positions and ensuring that WMI-supported projects and programs share the core emphasis and ongoing mission of Bible-based, full-Gospel, Spirit-empowered Christianity.  Where terms have been left vague, this is purposeful so as not to force supported ministries to conform against their conscience to doctrinally-disputable matters that are not essential to the mission of WMI.  However, where terms are specific, this too is purposeful so as to ensure that we agree upon matters essential to the mission of WMI and the core values of its intended donors.


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