To build a global ministry that establishes Christianity through:
1. Evangelizing unreached people via compassion ministry and preaching the Gospel.
2. Planting and funding impactful ministries and churches with an emphasis on Spirit-filled Christianity.
3. Training and equipping indigenous church leaders, orphanage staff, teachers, and others to effectively minister the Gospel within their unique spheres of influence

The primary focus of WMI is to build up and support indigenous ministries in regions of the world that need an effective, Spirit-filled influence of the Gospel. We seek to serve rural villages and other difficult-to-reach regions by raising up indigenous ministers through training, empowering, and sending.
Our focus is the “local Christian” who feels called to minister the gospel throughout his or her region. WMI partners with those who have counted the cost of surrendering to Jesus and are daily giving of themselves for the sake of others. Our desire is to build a long-term relationship with such ministers–encouraging and equipping them to be ever more effective in serving their region with the Gospel.

While there may be some variation in each unique case, our basic method is to:
Make contact with a “person of peace” in a region. This person will either be a resident of a village/town or is a friend of that village/town, capable of setting up meetings for the WMI representative(s).
Submit a basic report about the potential work to the WMI Board to consider for a possible in-person trip.
Upon approval, the Board will send one or more WMI representatives for a face-to-face visit. The purpose of this trip is to minister the gospel alongside the local “person of peace” and also to assess the local ministry for possible WMI activities in the future (such as orphanage-building, training schools, church planting, etc.).
After the representative’s return and de-briefing, the Executive Director will make a formal report to the Board about all future ministry possibilities, including an itemized budget and project schedule.
The Board is then responsible to decide what projects (if any) will be undertaken by WMI.